I want my mobility back.
Mitey:{noun. Mi-gh-tea} 1.The result of a mix of the following ingredients: art, design, rock music, cereal, boredom, caffeine and insanity.
#1 (Mitey) "With a mug like that, I'd want a refund!"
Australian Prime Minister John Howard:
"I am quite shocked and distressed at Steve Irwin's sudden, untimely and freakish death. It's a huge loss to Australia. He was a wonderful character. He was a passionate environmentalist."
Phone-lobbing actor Russel Crowe:
"He was the Australian we all aspire to be. He was, and remains, the ultimate wildlife warrior. He touched my heart. I believed in him. I'll miss him. I loved him and I will be there for his family."
#1 (Mum) I wore the wrist guard on the other hand that day...
#2 (Mitey) Superman - Cape = ker splat
#3 (Jono) "It's not broken, I just need help sticking my thumb up, stupid."
#4 (Jono) "Proctection? What protection?"
#5 (Jono) My power fist shrunk in the wash
#6 (Jono) Don't make me break your wrist too!
#7 (Jeril) This is what comes from wearing the one shirt all the time.
#8 (Mitey) Does this cast make my logo look big?
#9 (Mitey) If you think I came out on the wrong end of the fight, you should have seen Jar Jar...
#10 (Mitey) When I thumb wrestle, next time it will be to the death!
#11 (Andrew) 37?
#12 (Starflower) Quitting World of Warcraft can have an adverse effect on your health.
#13 (Starflower) See, this is why Star prefers to hang out with Jeril, Mitey is just too dangerous.
#14 (Mitey) It's only a flesh wound!